
AAP Celebrates Opera Omaha’s Commitment to Inclusion as Newest COMPASS Partner

Morning Connections Event: Harnessing the Power of Autism for Business Success

2024 Newsletters

Rediscovering the Omaha Zoo: A Sensory-Friendly Experience

Elevating Neuro-Inclusive Housing Options in Omaha
In 2023, Omaha-based nonprofit, Autism Action Partnership, partnered with leading national experts and commissioned a housing market study to comprehensively assess the housing needs and preferences of adults living with autism and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities (A/I/DD) in the Omaha area. A detailed summary of the project and its findings is now available to the public, with the goal of encouraging the creation of local neuro-inclusive housing developments.
The 2023 Omaha Housing Market Analysis: Data Driving a Place in the World for Autistic Adults and Others with Neurodiversities was conducted by the Make Waves Center for Community Development, as one of five centers of the Global Leadership Institute based at First Place® AZ. This organization is a charitable nonprofit in Phoenix with the vision of ensuring housing, healthcare and community options are as bountiful for people with autism and other neurodiversities as they are for everyone else. This first-ever comprehensive study, commissioned by Autism Action Partnership of Omaha, Nebraska, addresses the housing needs and preferences of adults with A/I/DD. The analysis educated consumers on potential options, collected data on their needs and preferences, identified barriers to meeting demand and explored how public, private, nonprofit and philanthropic sectors can work together on market solutions.

Autism Action Partnership Celebrates Omaha Symphony’s Commitment to Inclusion

June Newsletter

Share Your Voice: Housing Needs + Preferences Survey

May Newsletter

January Newsletter

Prosper Academy featured in MCC’s “COMMUNITY” Magazine
Learn more about the partnership between Autism Action Partnership and Metropolitan Community College through AAP’s Prosper Academy, a independent living program for young adults with autism.

December Newsletter
November Newsletter

AAP relocated to new office location

Celebrate Kate Noble Weitz, Help is Hope Award Winner

August Newsletter

July Newsletter
Omaha pilot program helps young adults with autism learn to live alone

Helping young adults with autism navigate in life
Helping students with autism navigate life