Autism Action Partnership Celebrates Omaha Symphony’s Commitment to Inclusion
Autism Action Partnership is proud to acknowledge Omaha Symphony as its first COMPASS Partner for their organization wide commitment to inclusion and efforts to welcome individuals and families affected by autism.
“The Omaha Symphony has been a sincere and consistent partner to AAP and the local autism community for years. We are honored to formally recognize their ongoing commitment, as our first COMPASS Partner.”
What is a COMPASS Partner?
It is the mission of Autism Action Partnership to improve the quality of life of persons on the Autism Spectrum and their families. To achieve our mission, we rely on partners who embrace the idea of inclusion so that individuals with autism and their families feel a sense of belonging and can thrive in all the places they live, work, learn, and play. COMPASS Partners collaborate with Autism Action Partnership to transform physical, sensory, and social community spaces into welcoming, enriching environments that individuals with all abilities can enjoy.
What is involved in Becoming a COMPASS Partner:
Omaha Symphony has pledged organization wide commitment to their inclusion journey, continually seeking to learn from those they serve, and to collaborate with Autism Action Partnership on achieving their goals. Autism Action Partnership offers ongoing training, technical assistance, and consultation to COMPASS Partners to support the attainment of self-identified inclusion goals.
“We are proud to be chosen as Autism Action Partnership’s first COMPASS Partner. We cherish our Nebraska Autism community, and we are dedicated to giving these families fun and enriching experiences. It is at the forefront of our mission to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for anyone who wants to engage with music, and we look forward to building upon our work together.”
About Autism:
Currently, 1 in 36 children are being diagnosed with autism, which translates to over 2% of the population (CDC, 2023). Additionally, the CDC recently estimated that 5,437,988 adults in the U.S. are living with autism.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by social and communication impairments and by restrictive and repetitive behavior. The characteristics of autism present as both challenges and strengths, and no one person experiences the disorder in the same way or to the same degree. Individuals and families living with autism often have trouble finding community settings that are welcoming and accepting of their differences.
To learn more about becoming a COMPASS Partner, visit
About Autism Action Partnership
Autism Action Partnership serves the Nebraska autism community by providing support to families, advancing inclusion throughout our community, and creating pathways to prosperity.
About Omaha Symphony
The Omaha Symphony is a non-profit organization that serves over 225,000 people through more than 150 live orchestral performances and digital initiatives each year. In addition to Masterworks, Symphony Pops, Symphony Rocks, Movies, Symphony Joslyn, and Family series concerts, the Omaha Symphony’s nationally recognized education and community engagement programs touch the lives of more than 40,000 people and over 300 schools each year. We are focused on creating a welcoming space and nurturing connections to ensure the Omaha community experiences and participates in music in a way that serves, reflects, uplifts, and entertains. Through equitable, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive work within our organization, we are committed to reviewing our history with rigor and honesty to learn and build a better, more just future. For more information on our community-imbedded Forte programs, visit