Diagnosis to Intervention

ABOUT AUTISM / What is Autism / Signs of Autism / Diagnosis to Intervention / FAQ

*Please note, we are currently taking inventory of our resource pages. They may not be perfect, but instead of taking them down, we hope they can provide some guidance. If you’re ever in need of further assistance or need more resources, please contact us at info@AutismAction.org or 402-763-8830.

From birth to four years of age there are a wide variety of developmental milestones you should watch for. It is important to learn the signs and act early if a child is not meeting these developmental milestones.

Early diagnosis, along with early and continuous treatment, can allow individuals with autism to make significant improvements, leading to improved relationships, independence, and achievement throughout life.


If you believe your child is not meeting the developmental milestones appropriate for his or her age, contact your pediatrician or early intervention services officer immediately. Do not wait.

Research has continually found early and continuous evidence-based, best practice interventions to significantly improve outcomes for individuals with autism.